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We Might Not Be Able To Work From Home, But We Can WORKOUT From Home

Hands up those of us that do not own a gym membership but would really like to start, or continue to work on their fitness from their own home. Those who do own a gym membership, don't go anywhere yet, you too may be able to incorporate these ideas into your routines.

There are many benefits to working out at home. It cuts out time spent traveling to and from a gym, it is cheaper, you can sing along to your music at the top of your voice with only your pets, loved ones or neighbours listening and there are no excuses to miss a workout, after all, you have everything you need for a sweat session right in your very own home.

When I became a personal trainer, I spent a LOT of time in gyms. This was fantastic because I gained so much experience, knowledge , skills and techniques for having efficient and effective workouts. I clocked up many hours with differing machines, free weights, body weights and HIIT routines. Unfortunately, for someone like me, the gym was not the easiest place to be. I decided to take this knowledge and experience and bring it all home with me. Over the years I have collected different equipment and machines, which do provide different variations, but are by no means necessary for a good home workout.

In this section of my website, I will be introducing you to many HIIT/circuit routines which will leave you a drippy, sweaty mess on the floor, may that floor be your kitchen, lounge room, garage, backyard, bedroom, study... the choices are endless.

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